Montessori Toys

An element of Montessori that I absolutely love is the emphasis on beauty. Many children’s spaces that I enter--a bedroom, a play room, a classroom--are overwhelmed by bright, primary colored plastic toys and furniture. Overwhelming and chaotic. In my opinion, so much of it is just plain ugly. Especially when you have a whole house full of it. Montessori emphasizes the use of natural materials when possible. Wooden toys instead of plastic. The toys are beautiful, which creates a peaceful space for not only the child, but the adults as well! Our lives are filled with electronics, and children’s toys are no exception. A Montessori baby or toddler space should not be filled with electronic toys. I was first attracted to this idea because noise-making toys are annoying! I want a peaceful space for my child, and the noise of electronic toys is too chaotic. The more I read, the more this philosophy is backed up by research. Electronic toys detract from concentration--a vital skill fo...